Our Trees and All the Wildlife Have Gone – The destruction of the tropical rain forest, media conflicts, and the struggle for a holistic human development in the Pacific region

Authors EMW (Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany) (Hrsg.)
Title Our Trees and All the Wildlife Have Gone – The destruction of the tropical rain forest, media conflicts, and the struggle for a holistic human development in the Pacific region
Publisher EMW (Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany)
Place Hamburg
Year 1995
Pages 111
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Südasien und im Pazifik (SA)
Signature 12
Language en
Content Holz und Papier: Entwicklung, Ökologie und Medien in der asiatisch-pazifi-schen Region, Holzfällerei, soziale Konflikte
ID 90