Workshop: Economic Valuation and Sustainable Management of Non-Timber Tropical Forest Products

Authors Godoy, Ricardo A.; Bawa, Kamaljit S.; Lubowski, Ruben; Markandaya, Anil; Hall, Pamela; Chopra, Kanchan; Appasamy, Paul P.; Ganesan, Balachander; Gunatilake, H. M.; Senaratne, D. M. A. H.; Abeygunawardena, P.; Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N; Gunatilleke, C. V. S.
Title Workshop: Economic Valuation and Sustainable Management of Non-Timber Tropical Forest Products
Publisher The New York Botanical Garden
Place New York
Year 1993
Row Economic Botany
Band 47 (3)
Pages 215
Category Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen (FT)
Signature 65
Language en
Content Drei wissenschaftliche Artikel zu Konzepte und Methoden, fünf Fallstudien aus Indien oder Sri Lanka.
ID 2317