Preliminary Modeling of Deer Winter Range in Heiltsuk Territory on the Central Coast of British Columbia

Authors Darimont, Chris; Gerwing, Kira; Paquet, Paul; Reid, Bo; McCrory, Wayne; Cross, Baden
Title Preliminary Modeling of Deer Winter Range in Heiltsuk Territory on the Central Coast of British Columbia
Publisher Heiltsuk Tribal Council & Raincoast Conservation Society
Place Waglisla & Victoria
Year 2003
Pages 8
Category Wälder in arktischen Zonen (AZ)
Signature 4
Language en
Content The report shows the importance of old coastal forests in the Heiltsuk Territory of British Columbia and the targeting of these forests by industrial forestry. – Prepared for the Heiltsuk Nation and Raincoast Conservation Society. With map appendix.
ID 2171