Behind the Veneer - How Indonesia’s Last Rainforests are being Felled for Flooring

Authors Wadley, Jago; Shah, Pallavi; Lawson, Sam
Title Behind the Veneer - How Indonesia’s Last Rainforests are being Felled for Flooring
Publisher EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency) & Telapak Indonesia
Place London, Washington D.C. & Bogor
Year 2006
IBSN 0-9540768-2-4
Pages 13
Category Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen (FT)
Signature 45
Language en
Content Merbau, a highly valuable hardwood, is being ruthlessly targeted by illegal logging syndicates in Indonesian Papua to supply the booming demand for tropical hardwood flooring. This report provides case studies on some of the biggest players and tracks the trade in merbau from Papua, via the factories processing merbau for the wolds biggest flooring brands, to the shelves of the leading retailers of Europe and North America
ID 2168