The Last Frontier - Illegal Logging in Papua and China’s Massive Timber Theft

Authors Newman, Julian; Lawson, Sam
Title The Last Frontier - Illegal Logging in Papua and China’s Massive Timber Theft
Publisher EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency) & Telapak Indonesia
Place London, Washington D.C. & Bogor
Year 2005
IBSN 0-9540768-1-8
Pages 29
Category Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen (FT)
Signature 44
Language en
Content This report exposes how Indonesia’s last precious rainforests in the province of Papua are being illegally felled and sold of to China. The timber species merbau ist the main target of the illegal loggers in Papua. The report shows the complex web of middlemen and financiers masterminding the theft of Indonesia’s forests.
ID 2167