Issues on the Inventory and Management of Tropical Foests in Malayisa. In: AIFM International Conference (1994: Seremban) Multiple resources inventory and monitoring of tropical forests: Proceedings held at the AIFM International Conference held at Seramb

Authors Masran Md. Salleh and Samsudin Musa
Title Issues on the Inventory and Management of Tropical Foests in Malayisa. In: AIFM International Conference (1994: Seremban) Multiple resources inventory and monitoring of tropical forests: Proceedings held at the AIFM International Conference held at Seramb
Publisher Asean Institute of Forest Management
Place Kuala Lumpur
Year 1994
Remark Handschriftl. Anmerkung von Bruno Manser: "Blabla-Artikel. Es geht einzig um noch mehr Business."
Pages 83-96
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 453
Language de
ID 17285