Community-based transboundary ecotourism in the Haeart of Borneo: A Case Study of the Kelabit Highlands of Malaysia and the Kerayan Highlands of Indonesia

Authors Sarah L. Hitchner, Florence Lapu Apu, Lian Tarawe, Supang Galih, Ellyas Yesaya
Title Community-based transboundary ecotourism in the Haeart of Borneo: A Case Study of the Kelabit Highlands of Malaysia and the Kerayan Highlands of Indonesia
Publisher nicht ersichtlich
Place nicht ersichtlich
Year 2009
Row Journal of Ecotourism
Band 8:2
Pages pp.193-213
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 192
Language en
ID 17270