The Alimentary Construction of Social and Supernatural Identities: Religious Commensality Codes of the Penan with a Comparative Twist. Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion: In Celebration of Tim Jensen’s 65th Birthday. ed. / Peter Antes; Armin Gee

Authors Rothstein, Mikael
Title The Alimentary Construction of Social and Supernatural Identities: Religious Commensality Codes of the Penan with a Comparative Twist. Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion: In Celebration of Tim Jensen’s 65th Birthday. ed. / Peter Antes; Armin Gee
Publisher Equinox Publishing Ltd
Place London (?)
Year 2016
Pages pp. 389-400
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 191
Language en
ID 17269