The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Suai-Baram Area, North Sarawak

Authors Haile, N.S.; Johnson, J. Harlan; Adams, C. G.; Haak, R.
Title The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Suai-Baram Area, North Sarawak
Publisher Geological Survey Department British Territories in Borneo
Place Kuching
Year 1962
Band Memoir 13
Remark Enthält Kartenmaterial
Pages v - xii, 1 - 10, 13 - 17, 60, 61, 169 - 171
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 388
Language en
Content Reconaissance surveying of Sarawak
ID 17110