In the Way of Development: Indigenous Land-Rights Issues in Malaysia, in: The Geographical Review, Vol. 101, No. 4, S. 471-496, New York 2011

Authors Aiken, S. Robert; Leigh, Colin H.
Title In the Way of Development: Indigenous Land-Rights Issues in Malaysia, in: The Geographical Review, Vol. 101, No. 4, S. 471-496, New York 2011
Publisher American Geographical Society of New York
Place New York
Year 2011
Row The Geographical Review
Band Volume 11
Genre Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Tags Entwicklung Landrechte Indigene Malaysia Sarawak Sabah NGOs
Pages 471-496
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 361
Language en
Content Entwicklung Landrechte Indigene Malaysia Sarawak Sabah NGOs
ID 17036