Report on the Effects of Logging Activities on the Penans in Baram and Limbang Districts A Short Term Development Programme

Authors Jabatan Pembangunan Negeri (Unit Perancang Negeri)
Title Report on the Effects of Logging Activities on the Penans in Baram and Limbang Districts A Short Term Development Programme
Year 1987
Remark Report submitted to Sarawak Parliament
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 149
Language en
Content Report on the Effects of Logging Activities on the Penans in Baram and Limbang Districts: A Short Term Development Programme – Submitted to the Sarawak State Cabinet Committee on Penan Affairs by Jabatan Pembangunan Negeri, Jabatan Hutan, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Perubatan dan Kesihatan, Jayl Langub, Philip Ngau Jalong, Maria bin Hasam, James Sinjeng, "Expert Group Report"
ID 16966