The Rule of Law and Human Rights in Malaysia and Singapore. A Report of the Conference Held at the European Parliament, Brussels, 9 & 10 March 1989

Authors Fong Har, Tang; Isahak, Anizan; Ghai, Yash; Sulaiman Abdullah, Haji; Jaudel, Etienne; Jeyaratnam, J. B.; Kwang Yang, Sim; Nijar, G. S.
Title The Rule of Law and Human Rights in Malaysia and Singapore. A Report of the Conference Held at the European Parliament, Brussels, 9 & 10 March 1989
Year 1989
Category Menschenrechte allgemein (MR)
Signature 16
Language en
Content Ein Report über eine Koferenz im europäischen Parlament über Menschenrechte in Malaysia und Singapore
ID 16964