Tanah Pengidup Kitai – Our Land is Our Livelihood. The undermining of indigenous land rights and the victimisation of indigenous people in Sarawak

Authors IDEAL (Integrated Development for Eco-friendly and Appropriate Lifestyle)
Title Tanah Pengidup Kitai – Our Land is Our Livelihood. The undermining of indigenous land rights and the victimisation of indigenous people in Sarawak
Publisher IDEAL Time Sdn. Bhd.
Place Sibu
Year 1999
Pages 94
Category Tropenwald/Indigene Völker in Borneo und Westmalaysia (SK)
Signature 70
Language en
Content The undermining of indigenous land rights and the victimisation of indigenous people in Sarawak; mit vielen Beispielen von Menschenrechtsverletzungen
ID 1618