Authors Title Year Category Signature Status
Alden Wily, Liz 'So who owns the forest' An investigation into forest ownership and customary land rights in Liberia 2007 AF 37
Stuber, Martin "Wir halten eine fette Mahlzeit, denn mit dem Ei verzehren wir die Henne". Konzepte nachhaltiger Waldnutzung im Kanton Bern 1750-1880. Beiheft zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Forstwesen - Supplément au Journal forestier suisse 1997 FS 13
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Blaser, Jürgen 14ème session du Conseil International Des Bois Tropicaux et 12ème session des Comités Permanents, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 11 au 19 Mai 1993 1993 TA 21
Kedit, Peter M.; Jingan, Aeries S.; Tsen, Darrell; Chung, Thomas; Munan, Heidi; John, Yohannan 150 Years of the Anglican Church in Borneo 1998 MP 50
Blaser, Jürgen 15ème session du Conseil International Des Bois Tropicaux et 13ème session des Comités Permanents, Yokohama, Japon, 10 au 17 Novembre 1993 Et Compte-rendu du Séminaire Sustainable Forest Management Systems Practiced in Natural Forests of Japan, Hokkai 1993 TA 20
Zuckowski, Damian 20 lat walki ludu Penan o zachowanie srodowiska zycia, in: Dzikie Zycie, S. 23ff. (Polnisch) 2010 SK 407
Perlis, A. (Hrsg.) 2002 International Year of Mountains 2002 DI 120
Parti Sosialis Malaysia 2013 General Election Manifesto – Enough! Reject 56 years of UMNO-BN 2013 MP 137
Ta Ann Holdings Berhad 2018 Annual Report - Towards Sustainable Management FT 89
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) 25 success stories 2011 FT 73
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Kua Kia, Soong 445 Days under the ISA - Operation Lalang 1987-89 2010 (first published in 1989) MP 93
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity 2009 BD 3
Laurent, Christine; Mercadet, Léon; Nelson, Chantal; Solana, Pascale 50 trucs simples pour vous dépolluer et la planète avec 1990 US 22 vermisst
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Gustave Bornand A BORNEO – PAYS DE TENEBRES ET DE VICTOIRES ohne Jahr SK 51 vermisst
Peter Metcalf A Borneo Journey into Death – Berawan Eschatology from its Rituals 1991 SK 491
Reece, R. H. W. A Botanist In Borneo. Hugh Low’s Sarawak Journals 1844-1846 2002 SK 229
Anderson, J. A. R. A Checklist of the Trees of Sarawak 1980 SK 287
Global Witness (Hrsg.) A Choice for China Ending the destruction of Burma’s northern frontier forests 2005 FT 46 vermisst
Conant, Jeff; Fadem, Pam A Community Guide to Environmental Health, first ed. 2008 2008 DI 145
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Mackinnon, John; Phillipps, Karen A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali 1993 SA 30
Payne, Junaidi; Francis, Charles M.; Phillipps, Karen A Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo 1994 SK 24
Evans, Tom D.; Sengdala, Khamphone; Viengkham, Oulathong V.; Thammavong, Banxa A Field Guide to the Rattans of Lao PDR Covers all 51 species known from Lao PDR and nearby areas 2001 HB 26
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Hazebroek, Hans P.; Kashim bin Abang Morshidi, Abang A Guide to Gunung Mulu National Park A World Heritage Site in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo 2002 SK 133 vermisst
Clarke, Charles A Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sabah 2001 SK 172
Teo, Stephen Ping A guide to The Plants of Sarawak 2004 SK 288
Alexander Haas, Indraneil Das, Stefan Hertwig, Pia Bublies Reinhard Schulz-Schaeffer A Guide to the Tadpoles of Borneo 2022 SK 511
Anthony Lamb A Guide to Wild Fruits of Borneo 2019 SK 510
Amarjit Kaur A History of Forestry in Sarawak 1998 SK 189
Baring-Gould, Sabina A History of Sarawak Under Its Two White Rajahs 1839-1908 2007 MP 21
Kah, Fong Hon A History of the Development of Baram River Basin in Sarawak 2008 SK 290
Kah, Fong Hon A History of The Development of Rajang Basin in Sarawak 1996 MP 56
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Cramb, Robert A Malaysian Land Grab? The Political Economy of Large-Scale Oil Palm Development in Sarawak 2013 SK 359
Shelford, Robert W. A Naturalist in Borneo (first published 1916) 1985 SK 350
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Jawa, Rantai; Chai P. K., Paul A New Check List of the Trees of Sarawak 2007 SK 244
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Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (Hrsg.); Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit bei der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft und Betriebe (Hrsg.) Abschlussbericht zur Fachtagung Tropenholzzertifizierung auf dem Prüf-stand Berlin, 20. November 1996 im Botanischen Garten Berlin – Dahlem 1996 FT 28
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Global Witness An Industry Unchecked 2013 JL 4
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